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I'm Ready to Be Seen & Get Paid!

"I didn't understand the impact and value of my story, until I worked with Jimmy in his workshop." - Bethany

"Jimmy shows you the exact formula to to succeed and sell in any environment and gain any stage." - Scott

"Jimmy has a unique way of helping you pull out the details of your story with the memory jogger exercise." - Pete

Finally Uncover How to Stand Out And Create An Endless Flow of Ideal Clients!

Discover How to Turn Everyday
Contacts into Contracts . . .

In Just 7 Days!

Yes, I'm Ready To Be Seen & Paid!

Finally Uncover How to Stand Out And Create An Endless Flow of Ideal Clients!

Discover How to Turn Everyday
Contacts into Contracts . . .

In Just 7 Days!

Yes, I'm Ready To Be Seen & Paid!

Tell me if this sounds familiar . . .

You're a driven entrepreneur in search of recognition. But you struggle to pierce through the deafening roar of your competition's overwhelming marketing tactics and you find yourself asking, "How can I compete with THAT?"

You might feel somewhat invisible, apprehensive about stepping into the spotlight, plagued with thoughts of not matching up to industry “big dogs.

Or even worse, you may have tried to mimic the big names, only to realize their strategies don’t align with your authentic voice.

Deep down, you yearn to inspire, to express your ideas. You want to become that dependable voice – that industry expert dream clients turn to.

Tell me if this sounds familiar . . .

You're a driven entrepreneur in search of recognition. But you struggle to pierce through the deafening roar of your competition's overwhelming marketing tactics and you find yourself asking, "How can I compete with THAT?"

You might feel somewhat invisible, apprehensive about stepping into the spotlight, plagued with thoughts of not matching up to industry “big dogs.

Or even worse, you may have tried to mimic the big names, only to realize their strategies don’t align with your authentic voice.

Deep down, you yearn to inspire, to express your ideas. You want to become that dependable voice – that industry expert dream clients turn to.

Tell me if this sounds familiar . . .

You're a driven entrepreneur in search of recognition. But you struggle to pierce through the deafening roar of your competition's overwhelming marketing tactics and you find yourself asking, "How can I compete with THAT?"

You might feel somewhat invisible, apprehensive about stepping into the spotlight, plagued with thoughts of not matching up to industry “big dogs.

Or even worse, you may have tried to mimic the big names, only to realize their strategies don’t align with your authentic voice.

Deep down, you yearn to inspire, to express your ideas. You want to become that dependable voice – that industry expert dream clients turn to.

But breaking through the noise isn’t just about being heard. It’s about creating authentic connection . . .

Your story. That’s your secret weapon.

It's what makes you, YOU. And it’s as unique as your fingerprint.

  But to truly captivate your dream audience, your story needs to hit the right chords.

It's also got to stand out from the dime-a-dozen “templates” out there.

And your ideal clients? They're not looking for the biggest or very best in the industry . . . 

They're searching for a narrative – YOUR compelling narrative – that echoes their journey.

And when they find you? They won’t just want to do business with you . . .  They'll CHOOSE you for the distinct flair you (and only YOU!) can bring to the table.

But breaking through the noise isn’t just about being heard. It’s about creating authentic connection . . .

Your story. That’s your secret weapon.

It's what makes you, YOU. And it’s as unique as your fingerprint.

  But to truly captivate your dream audience, your story needs to hit the right chords.

It's also got to stand out from the dime-a-dozen “templates” out there.

And your ideal clients? They're not looking for the biggest or very best in the industry . . . 

They're searching for a narrative – YOUR compelling narrative – that echoes their journey.

And when they find you? They won’t just want to do business with you . . .  They'll CHOOSE you for the distinct flair you (and only YOU!) can bring to the table.

Introducing . . . 

7 Days to a

Well-Crafted Story 

Consider this your VIP pass.

Imagine taking off the invisibility cloak and confidently stepping into the spotlight with a voice that’s unmistakably yours and undeniably compelling. 

That's exactly what happened to me when I crafted my own story. And now I'm handing you the blueprint that took me from drowning in debt to running a multiple 7-figure business.

Forget those overwhelming hundreds of hours on Youtube University studying speaking. Say no to the $20k marketing agency with no results. And skip past that long-winded 12-week course that we both bought and never opened.

Under my guidance, you'll craft your compelling story by putting in less than an hour a day for just ONE week! No nonsense, no fluff – just a clear-cut path to amplify your unique narrative.

Introducing . . . 

7 Days to a

Well-Crafted Story 

Consider this your VIP pass.

Imagine taking off the invisibility cloak and confidently stepping into the spotlight with a voice that’s unmistakably yours and undeniably compelling. 

That's exactly what happened to me when I crafted my own story. And now I'm handing you the blueprint that took me from drowning in debt to running a multiple 7-figure business.

Forget those overwhelming hundreds of hours on Youtube University studying speaking. Say no to the $20k marketing agency with no results. And skip past that long-winded 12-week course that we both bought and never opened.

Under my guidance, you'll craft your compelling story by putting in less than an hour a day for just ONE week! No nonsense, no fluff – just a clear-cut path to amplify your unique narrative.

Once you've shaped your Well-Crafted Story, you'll:

Make communication your superpower – not your stumbling block.

Go from strategy-starved to strategy-savvy, perfecting the art of magnetic client acquisition.

Trade hours of frustration for consistent clarity, unlocking your story success without battling self-doubt.

Overcome stage fright and unleash your full potential to present your unique value with confidence in any environment.

You in? Because this is going to be fun.

Yes, Craft My Unique Story Now

Hi, I’m Coach

Jimmy Nelson

My passion is helping you live a well-crafted life.

Want a life of freedom filled with vigor, exhilaration, and a sense of purpose? Your journey to reigniting the spark in your business starts here and now.

I’ll help you shift your understanding of what’s possible for you. My mission is to shatter your limited perceptions of what’s possible and illuminate the endless possibilities that lie ahead for you. With my support, you’ll discover how to capitalize on your inherent talents, earn handsomely from them, and soak in a life of deep fulfillment.

I’ve spent the last 16 years helping business owners just like you consistently attract and convert ideal clients by learning how to create a well-crafted story in a way that profitably connects their purpose and fulfillment with their business objectives.

In that time span, I’ve had the pleasure of working with thousands of small businesses as well as sharing the stage with celebrities like: Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuck, Alex Rodriguez, Sean Cannell, Amanda Bucci, Magic Johnson, Jordan Beltfort, Shaun T, and Chalene & Brock Johnson amongst many others
I’m more than just a speaker and motivator. I give you tangible steps to move closer to your aspirations. It all begins with my 7-day, self-paced program. And when the week is up, I’ll personally send you a video with detailed feedback on your story.

Together, we’ll fight for your dreams, shaping a well-crafted life you love.

Now, you might be thinking . . .

Hi, I’m Coach

Jimmy Nelson

My passion is helping you live a well-crafted life.

Want a life of freedom filled with vigor, exhilaration, and a sense of purpose? Your journey to reigniting the spark in your business starts here and now.

I’ll help you shift your understanding of what’s possible for you. My mission is to shatter your limited perceptions of what’s possible and illuminate the endless possibilities that lie ahead for you. With my support, you’ll discover how to capitalize on your inherent talents, earn handsomely from them, and soak in a life of deep fulfillment.

I’ve spent the last 16 years helping business owners just like you consistently attract and convert ideal clients by learning how to create a well-crafted story in a way that profitably connects their purpose and fulfillment with their business objectives.

In that time span, I’ve had the pleasure of working with thousands of small businesses as well as sharing the stage with celebrities like: Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuck, Alex Rodriguez, Sean Cannell, Amanda Bucci, Magic Johnson, Jordan Beltfort, Shaun T, and Chalene & Brock Johnson amongst many others
I’m more than just a speaker and motivator. I give you tangible steps to move closer to your aspirations. It all begins with my 7-day, self-paced program. And when the week is up, I’ll personally send you a video with detailed feedback on your story.

Together, we’ll fight for your dreams, shaping a well-crafted life you love.

Now, you might be thinking . . .

“Can I really do this?”

Yes! My 7 Days to a Well-Crafted Story program will empower you to attract perfect-fit clients, even if:

You've never even considered storytelling was relevant in your business.

You can't quite picture how your random experiences could come together to form a well-crafted story that sells your business.

You've paid for shiny courses in the past that promised the world and delivered nothing.

That’s Me! I’m All In

What’s Included?

7 Daily Modules Resulting in a Well Crafted Story

BONUS #1: Personalized feedback video from me

The Well-Crafted Story Workbook

BONUS #2: Guest Expert Training Videos from Industry Leaders

Resources & Recommendations to Improve Your Speaking Skills + Attract Speaking Opportunities

BONUS #3: Create Your Well-Crafted Elevator Pitch

Templates: Speaker Bio, Podcast Pitch Email Template, Day-Of Speaking Sheet, Spreadsheet to Organize & Track Potential Speaking Opportunities

BONUS #4: How to get booked on the right podcasts and Youtube Shows using my layered pitch method

Here's Your Daily Agenda

Day 1: Foundations of Storytelling

Master the art of painting your narrative with bold, confident strokes. You’ll discover the building blocks of creating an authentic connection between you and your audience.

Day 2: Memory Jogger: Finding Your Story

You have a story worth sharing. You just have to find it first, even if you feel that it has NOTHING to do with your business. This module will empower you to dig deep and uncover unique moments that will resonate with your audience without feeling that you’re sharing too much of yourself. Gently sift through your experiences, extracting the vibrant bits and pieces that make your story magnetic.

Day 3: 4 Parts to Crafting Your Story

Get a firm grip on the anatomy of an engaging story and learn how to highlight the right spots to create a lasting connection with your audience in a way that sells them on your business - without you having to sell anything.

Day 4: The Magic is in the Specifics

Discover how to integrate your personal journey with your professional values to shape a brand persona that's authentically you and utterly captivating. Leverage buyer psychology to hand-select which credibility and emotional markers to add into the story to tactfully create an audience that’s lining up to hire you.

Day 5: Transitioning Your Story to Your Business

Discover how to integrate your personal journey with your professional values to shape a brand persona that's authentically you and utterly captivating. Leverage buyer psychology to hand-select which credibility and emotional markers to add into the story to tactfully create an audience that’s lining up to hire you.

Day 7: Prep to Shine on Stage

Learn how to share mini-stories that solve your clients problems so quickly and effectively that they’re jumping at the opportunity to work with you.

+ BONUS! Personal Feedback Video

If you’re tired of pushing back the call to share your message with the world, I’m fully invested in fueling your journey. At the end of the 7 days, send me your story and I’ll help you polish it with a personal feedback video – complete with actionable next steps.

I Want Consistent Dream Clients!

Your Well-Crafted Story Is The Key To Unlocking Sustainable Success!

The time to stand out from the crowd is NOW. But your story won't tell itself. 

Register now to discover how to craft your unique narrative – and consistently attract your ideal clients – in just 7 days. 

Don't live another day feeling invisible and doing nothing about it. Grab this opportunity, and let's transform your contacts into lucrative contracts with your powerful, well-crafted story!

I'm Ready to Craft My Story!

Your Well-Crafted Story Is The Key To Unlocking Sustainable Success!

The time to stand out from the crowd is NOW. But your story won't tell itself. 

Register now to discover how to craft your unique narrative – and consistently attract your ideal clients – in just 7 days. 

Don't live another day feeling invisible and doing nothing about it. Grab this opportunity, and let's transform your contacts into lucrative contracts with your powerful, well-crafted story!

I'm Ready to Craft My Story!

frequently asked question